Category: Self Help
Getting My Blog Life Together
I probably should get my life together and write some more blog posts. I probably should put all these ideas in my head and all these random Facebook musings into blog posts. It’s no wonder I haven’t grown my blog any more than I have. My ideas are plenty but the follow-through is entirely…
Importance of Self Care
I really like to talk to anyone who talks to me about anything related to their mental health about how important self care is. It is vitally important to us all no matter who we are and what we face. I think it is especially important for those of us dealing with mental illnesses.…
Would They Notice Me If I Was Gone?
Relationships can be hard. It does not matter what kind of relationship we are speaking of whether it be romantic or oth erwise things are not always easy. I know that for me they can be great but they can be very messy. I have a terribly bad history with romantic relationships that is…
Want To Live More Intentionally?
Life’s too short to waste! Why not learn how to streamline your routines and use productivity tools to your advantage – all so you can free up time to do more of what you love? That’s exactly what the Ultimate Productivity Bundle is all about: 73 eBooks, eCourses, and printables to find more margin, reach your…