This is me holding my very first VoxBox from Influenster. I qualified for the Back To School VoxBox. Influenster is a great site that uses your social medial presence to determine when you qualify for certain boxes. The items in these boxes come to you for free in exchange for your reviewing the products. After you qualify you then can apply to that particular campaign. Once you are accepted and get your box you can earn points that help you in the future along with your social media presence to earn more campaigns in the future. You earn points for using the products and doing various things on social media with your box and the products contained within it. They have an app as well so some actions are easily performed using various things within this app. For example there is a photo booth within the app and I earned points and a badge for posting a photo from that photo booth on Instagram. It really is that easy!
I got some pretty great products in my VoxBox. I got some Pilot gel pens and I love pens! I got two pens, one is black ink and the other is a kind of turquoise blue. They write great and I am super happy about getting to try them out!
I also received a coupon to try out Country Crock butter for free and Snackers from Land O’Frost. These were given as coupons since they are refrigerated items.
A packet of Tide PurClean was also included in the box along with a coupon for $3 off. Now we can all use some good laundry soap right? The great thing about this Tide is that it is made with 0% dyes and 100% renewable electricity.
There were also two packets of Plackers for dental flossing. There was one packet of fruit ones which are great for the kiddos and a package of mint ones for mom and dad. These things are great to use especially if you are on the go a lot.
The last item received was three samples of coffee. There was Chock Full O’Nuts, Hills Bros. and Kauai Coffee. This is great for my hubby because he drinks coffee while I do not. There were also some amazing coupons for these coffee products in the box as well.
If you are interested in signing up for Influenster I am including a link to do so. It is totally free. You can also go to the link and just learn more to see if it is something you think you might be interested int. Just sign up and be sure to link all of your social media accounts because the higher your score the more likely you are to qualify for the Vox Box campaigns that come around. Also, go through and take all of the surveys available to you. This is yet another way they determine who will qualify for what box. You can also search and review products you are already using to increase your likelihood of being chosen and perform other tasks such as referring others to earn points. I have also included below my YouTube video of my box.
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