Tag: mental health awareness
Getting My Blog Life Together
I probably should get my life together and write some more blog posts. I probably should put all these ideas in my head and all these random Facebook musings into blog posts. It’s no wonder I haven’t grown my blog any more than I have. My ideas are plenty but the follow-through is entirely…
I Am Feeling Like A Failure!
Today as I sit typing this on the eve of my 43rd birthday I am still so sad and heartbroken. I have cried on and off all day. Today has been one of the worst I have had in a long time. There have been quite a few bad ones but today took the…
Medication Does Not Cure Mental Illness
I always see these articles about anxiety and depression that list some of the things that people who have one or both of them wish others knew. All of the common signs and symptoms are listed there but I have found that one thing that is rarely talked about is the fact that medication…