The World is Angry
This is such a hard time right now for everyone. There is so much uncertainty and loneliness. People are taking out their frustrations and sadness on anyone they can. Right now the world is angry! I have been continuing to see so much negativity online. I mean it is how we communicate these days especially…
Would They Notice Me If I Was Gone?
Relationships can be hard. It does not matter what kind of relationship we are speaking of whether it be romantic or oth erwise things are not always easy. I know that for me they can be great but they can be very messy. I have a terribly bad history with romantic relationships that is…
Want To Live More Intentionally?
Life’s too short to waste! Why not learn how to streamline your routines and use productivity tools to your advantage – all so you can free up time to do more of what you love? That’s exactly what the Ultimate Productivity Bundle is all about: 73 eBooks, eCourses, and printables to find more margin, reach your…
Peter and His Final Three!
This episode started out with the three women realizing they are all staying in the same place. This is not usually how they do the final three. They usually have the ladies stay in separate locations. I do think they probably did this on purpose due to Madison being a virgin and not wanting Peter…
I Can’t Do This Anymore
There are some words that I say to myself and even out loud all too often. They are words that frighten me when I hear someone else say them. They even frighten me a little when I realize I have said them myself. They are the words “I can’t do this anymore”. To some they…
Take Some Time For The Little Things
I carry my stress around with me all the time. I am a busy mom, stepmom, wife, aunt, entrepreneur and more! I battle my depression and anxiety daily. I have a hard time just enjoying things sometimes. I have trouble just sitting back relaxing and living. The first week school was out and I had…
My Struggle With Mental Illness As A Youth
When did my depression and anxiety start is something I get asked quite often when someone finds out about my mental illness and gets close enough to me to want to ask. I never know what to say because I never sought help until I was the age of 28 finding myself going through a…